Is Your Child Affected By Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS)?

By April 9, 2015

PAS Is a “cluster of symptoms” present in children who, during the process of a child-custody dispute, reject one parent as a direct result of strong, negative claims introduced by the other parent. In addition, in cases of PAS, the negative propaganda that is being introduced to the child by the alienating parent is not substantiated by the alienated parent’s behavior prior to the dispute. In many PAS cases, the child enjoyed a warm, vibrant relationship with the alienated parent prior to his or her parent’s divorce. Another notable distinction in true PAS cases is the idea that the child so strongly adopts the alienating parent’s point of view that he or she begins to vilify the alienated parent independent of the alienating parent. PAS Should be Considered When a Child Consistently, and Without Reason:

  1. Denigrates, belittles, shuns, or disparages the parent in question
  2. Appears unable to distinguish lies from the truth in regards to the parent
  3. Unjustly hates the parent
  4. Defames the parent with invented stories and lies
  5. Uses inappropriate language to deride the parent in public
  6. Views the parent as singularly bad; sees nothing good in the parent in question
  7. Shows extreme resistance to seeing or maintaining contact with the parent
Apr 9, 2015   1883   Darrin    Child Custody  
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